Worksafe Practices Document from MMAC
Companies are encouraged to enact procedures and protocols that mitigate the introduction, exposure or spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. Each company’s written plan should be regularly updated based on evolving guidance from the CDC and state/local public health agencies.
Sample Programs:
The following is a sampling of best practices for companies to consider in developing their own COVID-19 response plan.
Employee Screening
- Health screen to clear employees before returning to work.
- Employee must immediately report symptoms associated with COVID-19 exposure.
- Employee must report contact with any person who tests positive for COVID-19 (via household contact or proximity within 6 feet of an individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case).
- Employee testing positive for COVID-19 quarantined for 14 days prior to the health screen and return to work.
On-Site Practices
- Require employees to work from home (at least until June 1), except the minimum required for baseline on-site functions.
- Limit in-person meetings of any size (internal or external) and employee convenings (formal or informal) to those deemed essential. Communicate virtually wherever possible.
- Workflow audit that removes instances of employees being within 6 feet of each other wherever possible.
- On-site employees wear face coverings (contingent on availability), except those with respiratory conditions.
- Reduction of on-site work hours to minimum needed to sustain operations.
- Staggered shifts and work hours to minimize on-site human presence at a given time.
- Staggered use of all shared spaces, including bathrooms, breakrooms and lunchrooms, and frequent, safe cleaning of those facilities.
- Staggered facility entry and exit procedures maintaining at least 6 feet physical distancing.
- Ban on non-essential deliveries.
- Ban on non-essential visitors (including suppliers and customers) except those approved by senior management.
Facility Cleaning
- Sanitary processes implemented throughout facility (soap, hand sanitizer, single-use gloves, doors propped open, hands-free capabilities, no shared food).
- Blue tape marking of surfaces that receive frequent human contact; disinfection of these surfaces multiple times daily
Policy that minimizes domestic and international travel – business and personal. Business travel requires senior management approval.
Any employee returning from a Level 2 or 3 CDC travel country must self-quarantine for 14 days and be symptom-free before returning to work.