Business Directory Listing Form

Add Your Business to Our Online Directory

We’re launching a new website in 2025 with a robust directory of Granville businesses. To include your business in our directory, please complete the form below. Thank you!

Granville BID Directory Intake Form

Your Online Presence

Social Media

Provide links to the following social media profiles for your business, if applicable.


If desired, we can link to information about job openings at your business. We can link to a careers page on your website, or your page on another job posting service (Indeed, etc.).

Granville BID Website Photography

In addition to the upcoming business directory, we're looking to gather some great photos of Granville businesses, people, and products to showcase throughout our new website. Would you be interested in participating by either scheduling a photo shoot with us at your location or by passing high-quality photos you've already taken?

Form Submission

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